
Sunday, 20 July 2014

Pawn Shop Gold

This is the band's sophomore studio effort, following their 2012 release (Pretty Enough - EP). This album was written in its entirety by members of the band, and is a songwriter/americana driven record with a couple of mid-tempo rockers along the way.

Pawn Shop Gold formed in early 2011 after frontman, Jason Bednorz, released his debut solo album (What You Never Said). In February of 2011, after Jason had played a string of happy hour gigs at Billy's Ice in New Braunfels, venue owner, Nick Sisoian, told Bednorz he was booking him a headlining gig on April 28th, and he'd better have a band by then. The rest is history.

The band was made up of a group of guys that Jason had met during his time in San Marcos, and the band's name comes from the first cover song that they learned...a Slaid Cleaves and Rod Picott tune called Broke Down. The opening line is "Sherry had a pawn shop band of gold..."

Waylon Speed

Waylon Speed - Kin (2014)
Waylon Speed was created by Noah Crowther, Reverend Chad Hammaker, Kelly Ravin and Justin Crowther after playing together at a local honky-tonk in Burlington, Vermont. Three days and one practice later, Waylon Speed was born. By instilling each band members individual musical influence, they have created a genre all of it’s own. Named after the Rev. Chad Hammaker’s son, Waylon, THE BAND is a family owned and operated enterprise. Waylon Speed will be releasing their second full-length record Kin on April 29th, 2014 followed by a full national tour. They have offered support for large-name outfits. Waylon Speed is not influenced by mainstream music. They write, release and distribute their music independently. 

Dulcie Taylor

Dulcie Taylor - Only Worn One Time (2014)
Dulcie Taylor's foray into the music business could have turned out far differently if she had continued to pursue her first love, the ukulele. Fortunately for fans of her guitar and dulcimer work and vocals, Taylor's ukulele dreams were smashed -- literally -- when she saw her beloved instrument crumpled to pieces beneath a drunken teenager's behind when he unwittingly sat on it. For a ten-year-old, it was a hard way to see a dream die. But in hindsight, a grown-up Taylor sees the ignominious demise of her ukulele as something of a blessing in disguise. The loss led her mother to present her with a guitar as a Christmas gift and Taylor went on to pursue the new, larger instrument with the same fervor she had previously reserved for the ukulele. MORE THAN A decade later, Taylor is putting out CDs and winning awards for her songs. Other Side of the Bed, a self-released recording, took home a Wammie, presented by the Washington Area Music Association, in 2000. That same year, in the Mid-Atlantic Song Contest, five Taylor-penned numbers won awards. At North Carolina's Merlefest the following year in the Chris Austin Songwriting Contest, Taylor placed among the finalists. In addition, she performed for the Mid-Atlantic Song Contest's ceremony, as well as at Merlefest. Taylor continued to build a strong catalog with subsequent albums Diamond & Glass (2002), Mirrors and Windows (2004), Free of this Sorrow (2012), and Only Worn One Time (2014). The South Carolina native was based in Los Angeles for a period. In California, she performed as an opener for a long list of artists, including Bonnie Raitt, Jerry Lee Lewis, Asleep at the Wheel, Vern Gosdin, and Eddy Raven. She later settled in Washington, D.C., but it's her early life in South Carolina that helps infuse her songs with magic, causing critics to rave about her keen understanding of the human heart and small-town living. During her childhood, Taylor was surrounded by music. She took lessons and her relatives were positive role models. An aunt was a radio singer in their small town, while another aunt was a piano teacher. Overlying it all was the recorded music favored by different family members. Her sister grooved to the Beatles and Bob Dylan, while her mom's eclectic tastes spanned everything from Old Blue Eyes himself, Frank Sinatra, to the hip Ella Fitzgerald, to the hip-swiveling Elvis. Show tunes captivated another relative. Taylor absorbed it all, including Glenn Miller's "Moonlight Serenade," a haunting melody that her mom would make sure played after every screening in the movie theater the family owned. 

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Ags will PLAY a headline show at The Blue Lamp in Aberdeen, Scotland on 24th October 2014.

Ags will PLAY a headline show at The Blue Lamp in Aberdeen, Scotland on 24th October 2014.

The show is being promoted by Almost Blue Promotions, who have previously promoted artists like Sam Baker, Madison Violet and THE PRODUCER of Ags’ album ‘How About Now’, Dean Owens.

Tickets are £8 in advance or £10 on the door. More info and ticket details can BE FOUND at the Almost Blue website.

Ags Connolly is a traditional country singer-songwriter from West Oxfordshire in the UK. Country is the simplest description, but Ags is a proud supporter of Dale Watson’s ‘Ameripolitan’ movement, which supports new music with a roots influence, away from THE MODERN incarnation of country that exists today

Ags’s influences come essentially from hardcore country like David Allan Coe, Johnny CASH, Johnny Paycheck, Robert Earl Keen and Chris Knight. However, he also takes major non-country influences from the likes of Loudon Wainwright III and Ron Sexsmith.

Ags’ debut album ‘How About Now’, produced by Dean Owens, was released on Drumfire RECORDS IN February 2014, receiving rave reviews

Friday, 18 July 2014


Kirsten Daugaard kommer fra Kristiansand, har sunget “så lenge hun kan huske“, men har tidligere kun hatt tilfeldige opptredener, da familien har hatt førsteprioritet.
Sammen med Ole Morten Andersen fra Lillesand startet Kirsten duoen «Six o’clock news» våren 2012. Dette resulterte både i spillejobber samt CD’en “Ready for the times to get better“ som lokalt fikk mye positiv omtale.
Ved utgangen av 2012, valgte de to imidlertid å oppløse duoen, og Kirsten fortsetter nå som soloartist, hun har med seg Bengt Vagle som gitarist og vokalist på enkelte låter. Samt at Kirsten også opptrer for seg selv enkelte ganger.
Kirsten har en særegen stemme, og en musikalsk innlevelse som fasinerer lytteren,
noe som har resultert i radiospilling i en rekke land. Responsen har vært god og positiv.

2013 har vært et innholdsrikt år for Kirsten, hun har hatt en rekke oppdrag rundt om i Norge og arrangørlisten vokser i rask tempo. Å få være med Arne Benoni og åpne hovedsenen på Vinstra countryfestival var høydepunktet for Kirsten, sett alle konserter under ett i 2013.
Opptreden med Highway Connection på bransjefest i Sandefjord må også nevnes.

Samarbeid med Arne Benoni som produsent har i 2013 resultert i Kirsten`s første solo album som nå er kommet ut. Vokalen er spilt inn hos Arne Benoni recording studio i Sandefjord, musikk og kor er innspilt i Nashville T.N
Albumet har Kirsten valgt å kalle COUNTRY MUSIC MY WAY, denne tittelen er valgt på grunn av at albumet inneholder 12 låter som dekker de fleste sjangere innen country som Kirsten sammen med sin produsent Arne Benoni har tolket på sin måte.

2014 ser ut som et nytt spennende år for Kirsten Daugaard, opptre med fullt band på festivaler i inn og utland med låter fra sitt nye album.
8 dager i mai var ho på countryklubber i Danmark , Som og resulterte i tvopptak

Kirsten Daugaard er en country artist som kommer til å bli lagt merke til fremover med sin opptreden og stemme som får gode tilbakemeldinger fra både arrangører og ett stadig voksende publikum i alle aldre

Kirsten Daugaard satser 100% på artist karrieren og jobber hele tiden med å utvikle seg som vokalist og artist.

Kirsten kan bookes som enkel artist, som duo med sin gitarist Bengt Vagle og også med fullt band ved behov

For kontakt, vennligst ring manager Jan Daugaard på telefon: +47 91581467
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Kirssten kan også nås på

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Laila Hansen fra Eydehavn øst for Arendal.

Laila Hansen fra Eydehavn øst for Arendal. Vokste opp med sang og musikk, og en far som spilte på de fleste Instrumenter. I en alder av 10 spilte hun offentlig på et Røde Kors-arrangement hjemme. Senere i ungdommen hun opptrådte litt med Sørlands trubadur heter Knutta, hun drev også aktivt friidrett i ungdomsårene som tok mesteparten av tiden hennes. Hun kom tilbake til musikk i voksen alder, og det var spesielt countrymusikk som var hennes hjerte nærmest. I den fant hun mange sjangere fra pop, rock, jazz og tradisjonell. Hun ventet lenge og var beskjeden til å slippe en cd, men endelig sluppet sin debut cd "Never Again" i 2003 på initiativ fra venner og bekjente. Hun hadde egentlig ikke  noen planer med det, men det viste seg at det ville bli godt mottatt av publikum

Albumet Never Again" kan du kjøpe her
11 år er gått siden siste plateutgivelse ” Never Again ” en plate som ble veldig godt mottatt og som fortsatt selger bra og blir spilt mye på radio i Norge og i utlandet.
reiste da til Nashville i Tennessee for å leve ut drømmen: litt av en sjanse å ta når man drar til USA for å spille inn en plate for egen regning. 
- Men jeg gjør ikke dette for pengenes skyld, sier Laila.
- Jeg liker å glede folk og det er mye av drivkraften bak det jeg holder på med, legger hun til. Og selv om sangen ikke er levebrødet hennes, står oppgavene i kø for countrtartisten. Plateinnspilling i countryens mekka"From Nashville Whith love". Med seg på laget hadde hun produsenter og teknikker med mer enn 40 års erfaring, samt noen av Amerikas og Nashville’s beste musikere.
Hele produksjonen er utført i Nashville utenom trykk som er gjort her hjemme.
Denne kan dere bestille hoss Laila på FB INNBOX

Skal spille::26. juli kl. 19:00 Øyne Camping i Fyresdal
                16. august kl. 22:00 8Th Avenue i Vanse, Norway
                1 November Countryvenner Rødding Danmark

Nytt Album Trond Tollin - Breaking in a New Heart (CD)

Trond Tollin - Breaking in a New Heart (CD)

Bra album: Trond Tollin fra Trondheim, kommer nå med sitt første album med tittelen «Breaking In A New Heart»April/mai 2014 reiste Trond Tollin til Nashville TN for å spille inn sitt nye album. 

Trond har med seg produsentene Tommy Holland, og Mark Moseley, som bla, har vært med på å produsere artister som Vince Gill, George Jones, Garth Brooks, Dolly Parton m.fl.

Mark Moseley som også er tekniker har også i sin tidligere karriere vært et medlem av selveste Bucaroos. «Breaking In A New Heart» består av 10 håndplukkete låter, en coverlåt og ni originallåter som ikke tidligere er utgitt

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Austin Wahlert "Dirt Road Blues"2014

Austin Wahlert - Dirt Road Blues (2014)
Austin Wahlert could not think of a better time to release his new album - Dirt Road Blues. Wahlert's roots run deep in the rodeo and the western lifestyle so it was fitting that the new album would include songs such as "Las Vegas Gold." 

Growing up on a ranch in Northern Colorado Offered this talented young singer / songwriter the opportunity two experience a true western lifestyle. The cowboy way of life has been etched into his spirit and continues to be an influential part of his singing and songwriting. The new album is no exception. You can expect heartfelt lyrics and music from a man who is dedicated to country music at its finest.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

The Kentucky Headhunters

The Kentucky Headhunters - Snapshot: Kentucky Headhunters
The Kentucky Headhunters created a hybrid of honky tonk, blues, and Southern rock that appealed to fans of both rock and country music. The origins of The Kentucky Headhunters lie in 1968, when Fred and Richard Young began playing together with their cousins Greg Martin and Anthony Kenney at the Youngs' grandmother's house. Mark Orr also later joined them. The first incarnation of the band was called the Itchy Brothers, and the group played together informally for over a decade. After about 13 years, the bandmembers began launching separate careers: Richard Young went off to write songs for Acuff-Rose, while Fred Young began touring with country beauty Sylvia. Martin became a member of Ronnie McDowell's band, while Kenney dropped out of music. In 1985, Martin decided to reassemble the Itchy Brothers. When Kenney declined to rejoin the group, Martin remembered Doug Phelps, whom he had met while on tour with McDowell. Phelps joined the new project, which was named The Kentucky Headhunters. Besides Martin and Phelps, the band also included the Young brothers and Doug's brother Ricky Lee Phelps.

The Headhunters started playing twice monthly on the Chitlin' Show, a radio program on WLOC Munfordville, Kentucky. From these 90-minute performances, The Headhunters built up a following. They sent an eight-song demo to Mercury, and soon after, the label signed the group. The original demo tape was remixed, and became the basis of the band's first album, 1989's Pickin' On Nashville, which received overwhelmingly positive reviews upon its release and quickly became a hit. "Dumas Walker" reached number 15 in the spring of 1990, followed by the group's biggest hit, the number six "Oh, Lonesome Me." In 1991, The Headhunters released their second effort, Electric Barnyard. The album received mixed reviews, couldn't muster a single, and sold weakly. In summer 1992, the Phelps brothers left the group to form Brothers Phelps, a more traditional country group. The remaining Headhunters brought ex-Itchy Brothers Anthony Kenney and Mark Orr to the group, and the rehashed lineup released Rave On! in 1993. The album marked a progression toward bluesy Southern rock, which came to fruition with That'll Work later that same year. In 1996, Doug returned on lead vocals, and a year later, the band issued Stompin' Grounds. Songs From the Grass String Ranch followed in 2000, and Soul appeared in spring 2003. Big Boss Man was released in 2005 and Flying Under the Radar in 2006, both from CBUJ Entertainment. Dixie Lullabies, the group's 12th album, and their first studio recording of new original material since 2003, appeared from Red Dirt Records in 2011. ~Biography by Johnny Loftus