
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Denne gruppen har til hensikt å spre Country & Western relatert musikk fra Irland og å dele denne med andre

This group intends to spread the Country & Western music related Irland and sharing this with others

Velkommen til Countrymixen

Denne gruppen har til hensikt å spre Country & Western relatert musikk og å dele denne med andre
Egne kommentarer tilknyttet det du legger inn mottas med takk. Dette kan i tillegg gjøre det mer interessant og lærerikt, men det er ikke påkrevd.

Musikk som ikke er direkte relatert til C&W musikk aksepteres innenfor en viss grad, klare avvik fra denne sjangeren slik som som Heavy Metal, Opera, Gospel - som klart avviker fra C&W sjanger aksepteres ikke under noen omstendighet!!

Linker til musikk skal være fra Youtube og / eller Reverbnation og liknende som ikke krever abonnement. Linker til musikk til abonnement tjenester som eksempelvis Spotify er ikke tillat og vil bli slettet da ikke alle kan lytte til denne musikken.

VIKTIG: Husk å endre innstillinger (øverst til høyre) og fjern krysset for motta email, og evt. Chat. Da slipper du å få email for hver post her inne. Husk å lagre endringene

Lov å poste 6 videor i timen

Welcome to Countrymixen

This group intends to spread the Country & Western music related and sharing this with others
Individual comments associated with your additions are welcome. This can also make it more interesting and informative, but it is not required.

Music that is not directly related to C & W music accepted within a certain degree, clear deviations from the genre such as as Heavy Metal, Opera, Gospel - which clearly differs from C & W genre will not be accepted under any circumstances!

Links to music will be from Youtube and / or Reverbnation and the like which do not require a subscription. Links to music subscription services such as Spotify are not allowed and will be removed when not everyone can listen to this music.

IMPORTANT: Remember to change the settings (top right) and uncheck to receive email and possibly IM. Then you get email for each post here. Remember to save your changes

Promise to post 6 songs per hour

Country Music Hall of Famer Noble Ray Price, who pioneered a shuffling, rhythmic, honky-tonk sound that has had an impact on country music since the mid-1950s, died Sunday, Dec. 15 at age 87, of complications from pancreatic cancer, at his home in Mt. Pleasant, Texas

Price, born in Perryville, Texas, served with the U.S. Marines from 1944–1946, and began singing for KRBC in Abilene, Texas during 1948. He joined the Big D Jamboree in Dallas in 1949. He relocated to Nashville in the early 1950s, rooming for a brief time with Hank Williams. When Williams died, Price managed his band, the Drifting Cowboys, and had minor success. He was the first artist to have a success with the song "Release Me" (1954), a top five popular music hit for Engelbert Humperdinck in 1967.
In 1953, Price formed his band, the Cherokee Cowboys. Among its members during the late 1950s and early 1960s were; Roger Miller, Willie Nelson, Darrell McCall, Van Howard, Johnny Paycheck and Johnny Bush, Buddy Emmons, Pete Wade, Jan Kurtis, Shorty Lavender and Buddy Spicher. Miller wrote one of Ray Price's classics in 1958, "Invitation to the Blues", and sang harmony on the recording. Additionally, Nelson composed the Ray Price song "Night Life".
Price became one of the stalwarts of 1950s honky tonk music, with hit songs such as "Talk To Your Heart" (1952) and "Release Me". He later developed the famous "Ray Price Shuffle," a 4/4 arrangement of honky tonk music with a walking bassline, which can be heard on "Crazy Arms" (1956) and many of his other recordings from the late 1950s.
